New paper out! Analysis of the 100 largest MPAs in the world: What we learned
Paper published in Conservation Letters here. Some of the early news coverage: US Natural History Museum Le Monde, France Columbia Gorge...
New paper out! Analysis of the 100 largest MPAs in the world: What we learned
New York Times article on conserving the US ocean's biodiversity: What we have and what we need
At the Our Ocean Conference in Athens, Greece
Jenna wins the Outstanding Research Associate Award in OSU's College of Science!
Kirsten gives the 2023 Inclusive Excellence Award Seminar in OSU's College of Science
In Geneva at the UN with collaborators in the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB)
Working group meeting on areas in the ocean with effective conservation
Jenna and Kirsten on OPB
MPA Guide update
New website!